Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Invisibility Principle

Every kid dreams of being invisible. The power of invisibility is the stuff of science fiction and superheroes. Wouldn’t it be great to enter a room without anyone knowing you’re there? Or would it?

As the newcomer in town, I feel a bit like the Invisible (wo)Man. I walk into my children’s schools, the YMCA and yes even my church and I feel invisible sometimes, as though I’m out of phase with the world around me. It’s not that people intentionally shun me. No, it’s more that their patterns are set, relationships formed, and schedules booked. It’s hard to break in.

It seems there’s profound truth in that Cheers ditty, “Sometimes you wanna go where everybody knows your name . . .” The thing about being invisible is that I'm the only one aware of the problem. Thus, I'm the only one who can fix the problem. That’s the tough part.

Yet as I wedge my way in, I find I’m really not alone. Other invisible souls gradually enter my view. Though I’m out of phase with the mainstream, I find I’m in phase with others I might not have noticed otherwise. So my invisibility is a gift, an opportunity to cling more tightly to my Savior, who is my comforter and who in turn challenges me to comfort others.


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